Monday, August 26, 2019

Media project

The assignment I completed for this reflection was the media project. This project was unlike any project I have had before. The reason it was different was because I was randomly assigned a material and required to create an activity with the selected item. To make the assignment more challenging, I was assigned a client with a specific diagnosis to center the activity around.  I found this project beneficial because it required me to think outside of the box. At first, I was unsure what activity I could come up with using a hula hoop. The first activity I had come to mind was to create an obstacle course. However, my client is a 76-year-old female with Parkinson’s disease, so I had to quickly change my idea for safety reasons. This project made me realize that my creative skills are not as poor as I had once thought. It gave me the confidence to create an activity like I have never created before. As a future OT, it will be my job to create an activity out of anything. The “ah-ha” moment for me when completing this project was realizing I could wrap a bed sheet around a hula hoop to resemble a skirt that will also assist with lower body dressing. This was fascinating to me because it does not require many materials but will be beneficial to my client.

              Before completing this project, I did not realize that OT’s can make activities out of almost anything. For example, they make activities out of egg cartons, milk bottles, hula hoops, hot sauce bottles, etc. I knew that OT’s had to be creative and come up with activities, but I feel like this assignment opened my brain up to many different ideas for future activities. Also, I enjoyed talking to my classmates about what ideas they created. It was a fun topic to hear about what everyone came up with because of our unique materials we were assigned. I think this assignment will help me in the future because it required me to use problem-solving and creativity skills. Also, this assignment showed me a new side of what an OT does. I feel excited after completing this project because I know I have the potential to be a great OT!

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